The works here were made by me, so they are my own intellectual property. If you want to use them, do so only by indicating the source!
Inventory management program (2026) (in progress)
The purpose of creating the program is to create an inventory management program in the Java programming language, gain practice and experience during development using the knowledge I have acquired during my studies, and come across fundamental problems and pitfalls, and find solutions to them.
Programming skills: Java, PL/SQL
HR Report - Power BI (2025) (in progress)
The purpose of creating the report is to learn how to use Power BI and Oracle Data Integrator programs.
Programming skills: Power BI, ODI, PL/SQL
HR Report - Oracle Analytics (2023)
The purpose of creating the report is to learn how to use Oracle Analytics (BI and analytics platform) program.
Programming skills: Oracle Analytics, PL/SQL
HR Application (2022)
The purpose of creating the application is to create an HR application based on APEX.
Programming skills: APEX, PL/SQL
GDPortal (2010)
I started working on websites during my multimedia development training. I spent most of my time developing my website, which was called GDPortal. I did not use any framework when writing the source code. I built the portal engine from "scratch".
Initially, I intended it as a website for organising tutorials. As time went on, I expanded it with more and more features. Over the years, it has grown into a website with hundreds of visitors a day.
The website is no longer operating, but the video below shows the features I have developed.
Programming skills: PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML