Higher education, vocational training
Higher education
BSc in Computer Science Engineering, Specialisation in Software Development
Dennis Gabor College, Budapest
Diploma with college degree
Topic of my diploma work: Phone book
Vocational training
Multimedia Development
Adu Csepeli Vállalkozói Szakközép- és Szakiskola, Budapest
National Qualification Registry 54840901
- Power BI - Business Intelligence for Beginners to Advance
- The Complete PL/SQL Bootcamp : "Beginner to Advanced PL/SQL"
- Microsoft Excel advanced
- Microsoft Excel basics
- Using Oracle BI EE (Oracle BI Answers)
- Java SE basics (JAVA-BSC) + Unit testing module
- The Complete Oracle APEX Fundamentals Course (2023)
- Oracle Analytic Functions In-Depth & Advanced Oracle SQL
- The Complete Oracle SQL Bootcamp
- UX design course
- Java Programming course
- Oracle SQL tuning and performance optimization
- XML foundation course